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Kubernetes Firewall

Setting up the Firewall Rules

Check the official docs

check here

According to Oracle

Make sure that all required ports are open. The ports required for a Kubernetes deployment are:

  • 2379/tcp: Kubernetes etcd server client API (on master nodes in multi-master deployments)
  • 2380/tcp: Kubernetes etcd server client API (on master nodes in multi-master deployments)

  • 6443/tcp: Kubernetes API server (master nodes)

  • 8090/tcp: Platform Agent (master and worker nodes)

  • 8091/tcp: Platform API Server (operator node)

  • 8472/udp: Flannel overlay network, VxLAN backend (master and worker nodes)

  • 10250/tcp: Kubernetes kubelet API server (master and worker nodes)

  • 10251/tcp: Kubernetes kube-scheduler (on master nodes in multi-master deployments)

  • 10252/tcp: Kubernetes kube-controller-manager (on master nodes in multi-master deployments)

  • 10255/tcp: Kubernetes kubelet API server for read-only access with no authentication (master and worker nodes)

The commands to open the ports and to set up the firewall rules are provided below.

Single Master Firewall Rules

For a single master deployment, the following ports are required to be open in the firewall.

Operator Node

open 8091/tcp

Worker Nodes

On the Kubernetes worker nodes






On the Kubernetes master nodes

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